Tag: barons

  • Why We Must Fix The Relationship Between Land Tenure and African Economy.

    Last time we talked about the relationship between the tenureless and the economic performance of Afrikan countries. The social and economic benefits of solving the tenureless far outweigh the costs of ignoring this dire phenomenon. Ideally, improving access to land and land rights will result in greater investment into land resources which make up the…

  • Land Tenure Governance vs Economy: The Only Graph That Matters in Afrika

    This is the only graph that matters in Afrika. The relationship between security of tenure and the livelihood of the continent’s population is so painfully obvious that it is undeniable. Let me explain how. Our major economic drivers are mining and agriculture – all intrinsically rooted in people’s relationship with land. The stronger this relationship…

  • Houses of Cards: Property Demolitions in Zimbabwe

    Like a sandcastle on a wet beach, a house of cards is bound to fall. It can be blown away by the gentlest of winds or toppled by the whisk of a finger, whichever the case, failure is its ultimate existence. This has seemingly been the case for many people investing in land in Zimbabwe,…

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